Construction and Operation

Throughout the construction and operational phases of the proposed solar development on Land at Leamington Road, BSR Energy is committed to ensuring that the impact to the local road network, and the local community is kept to a minimum. 

The construction phase is expected to take approximately 6 months, during which a Construction Management Plan will be in place, to ensure minimal disruption to the surrounding area.

Due to the rural location of the site, it is expected that there will be minimal noise disruption to the wider area surrounding the site throughout construction, although we appreciate some of our closest neighbours are likely to have specific concerns relating to the construction noise and impact. We would encourage these neighbours to get in touch with the project team with regard to these specific concerns. Details on how to get in touch can be found here.

Once the site is operational, it is anticipated that there will only be low levels of traffic accessing the site for maintenance purposes. It is therefore expected that the largest volume of traffic will be associated with the construction phase of the project.

Construction Route Map

The agreed connection date for the solar development to the grid is 2033. Whilst this is not unusual given the current grid capacity challenges, it is hoped that with the improvement in technology and solutions to solve this wider issue, the connection date can be moved forward. As such, BSR is committed to ensuring that consented sites are in the pipeline and ready to be taken live, to assit with net zero goals.